Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance

Try our version of the gardener.

Residential or Commercial

Sierra Madre Landscape Co. is a state licensed professional landscape co,
We will keep your yard weed free, properly pruned, cultivated, mulched, feed the lawn and plants, and regularly check the irrigation system for coverage and keep irrigation controller seasonally set.
This is offered as a weekly service.

Flexible service

Quarterly, Seasonally, or Spruce up for a party

his supplements your current gardener on a flexible basis. Have Sierra Madre Landscape Co. give your yard a tune up, where we will Check your irrigation system for any problems, remove weeds, cultivate, prune and feed your yard.
We know what your yard needs all year !!!

The additional cost per month is a small price to pay to have your yard kept in top condition. By far not the same service that you are currently receiving. Checking the irrigation, feeding, proper cultivation and weed control is a regular on going task. And all the work is under the supervision and kept documented by me, a state licensed contractor. Me and all my crew members are fully insured, speak english and pay taxes, unlike most mow, blow and go gardeners. We are the best at what we do and we do it legally. So to get more than twice the quality, it cost a little more. You will see the difference and have the confidence that everything in your yard is in great hands.
There is no comparison!

For many years now I have had a landscape business that has done only installs of landscape, irrigation and hardscapes for residential, commercial and the public works department.
I never paid any attention to these projects after a typical 90 day establishment period has ended. I am now getting into the landscape and irrigation maintenance business. The last 5 project that I have completed I offered a complete maintenance package. It didn’t take much convincing to land all 5 of these. All 5 were very happy to know that the company they hired to install there landscaping, irrigation system and hardscaping also offers a complete maintenance care program. This package includes the regular mowing, edging, hedging, pruning, cultivating and blow down. It also includes the irrigation maintenance plan.

The crew will keep there eye out for any dry or wilting areas every week and address the problems right away. Once a month we will run through the entire system and adjust or repair as needed. We will also seasonally adjust the controller.

I charge additional fees for mulch, plants, color flats, pre-emergent’s, lawn and plant food and irrigation parts.
My selling points are simple. These customers have just spent thousands of dollars to landscape there properties. If the properties are not cared for properly they will perish and soon need new landscaping again.
No one knows your landscape better !!!